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Starting from version 4, VueTypes has a global configuration object that can be used to customize the library's behavior.

The configuration is exposed both as a property of the default export, and as a named export:

// default exported instance
import VueTypes from 'vue-types'

// named export
import { config } from 'vue-types'

VueTypes.config === config

Configuration Options

  • silent: (boolean, default false) set to true to prevent VueTypes from logging validation warnings.


Until version 2, VueTypes warning behavior was matching the Vue.config.silent global config parameter. But that global property has been removed in Vue@3.

To reproduce that behavior in application running Vue@2 you can use:

import { config } from 'vue-types'
import Vue from 'vue'

config.silent = Vue.config.silent
  • logLevel: (string, default warn) allows choosing which console method will be used to display validation errors. Available options are log, warn, error, debug andinfo.